Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dustin Barca gets mauled by Luke Evslin Canoe Maker from Kaua'i Calls Barca Violent ,Snarklectic Violent hate blog We Puleu Luke.Joan Conrow's Mainland Roadtrip To Sedona to Visit Lttle Green Men Causes Road Rage Barca And Carvalho The Target

Dustin Barca gets mauled by Luke Evslin Canoe Maker from Kaua'i  in viscous personal attacks on his blog. Same blogger then calls Dustin Barca violent. Also calls us violent too. We, at Kauai Snarklectic are deeply honored. We were dissed by the mild mannered ever so milque-toast Luke Evslin, who absolutely abhors violence. He is trying to make some sort of alluding to the fact that he has some knowledge regarding Ghandi, and Hindi Sanskrit knowledge, and has apparently decided, that not only is Dustin Barca a scary violent guy, but that this blog, is also violent and scary. I guess he isn't going to like the word "Puleu" in our heading, then. Ah well. We also realize that Luke Evslin can't read. He apparently cant read disclaimers, of which we have at least 4 up on our blog, depending what we are writing at the time.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

256 Words

Living in a Yurt is a sure way to get in tune with the weather.  Because my walls and roof flap, not a gust of wind or drop of rain escapes my attention.  In a house it's easy to close the door and forget there's a storm outside.  But in a Yurt, it's impossible.  So, while it likely could be paranoia, or just a new sense of heightened awareness, I am scared shitless of the weather nowadays.  And when I'm cowering in my shaking home I generally think of all the world ending possibilities.  So, naturally, in a moment of despair I tried to write a high handed primer for saving Kaua'i in less than 250 words.  I didn't succeed.  But here it is: 

We, as inhabitants of Kaua’i, are in a unique position.  Our small population, geographic isolation, and global integration allow us each to shape the future we want to see.  The next century will be the most problematic and transformative in human history.  Recognition of the problems that we face can lead us to a framework for how to live our lives and control our future:

  • Climate change is occurring and humans are causing it.  Extreme and unpredictable weather patterns will increase over time.  
  • Any widespread attempt at capping carbon emissions will prove ruinous to the global economy.  Not capping emissions will prove ruinous to human civilization.
  • Demand for oil will outpace supply.  Prices on everything will skyrocket.  Especially on Kaua'i.
  • There is no renewable energy source that comes close to the work output of stored carbon (coal, oil, natural gas). 
  • Infinite consumption is incompatible with finite resources.

Every decision that we make in our lives must be made with acknowledgement of those fundamental problems.  While the path will be hard, the decisions don’t need to be.

·      Support politicians who understand the problems and are willing to fight for solutions.  whoa now wait jsut a darn tootin  minute here, cowboy. Did you really write that in 2011? And you used the word fight? And then used the SAME words, to call Dusitn Barca voilent? The very guy who is actually supporting all that you believe in? What could have possibly changed your mind? We think we know. Reading Joan Cornrows blog could twist anyone's brains into mush.
·      Support alternative and mass transportation options.
·      Support local businesses, local agriculture, and local manufacturing
·      Consume less of everything. 
·      Drive less and make fuel efficiency a priority.
·      Start growing food.
·      Strive for zero population growth. 

Humanity’s problems are not insurmountable.  But we can't wait for others to solve them for us.

A lovely, passive and non violent pic from his blog. He also makes a charming assumption about Killer Egrets. We really liked that one.

We love how Lujke says he is a delikcate non violent kinda guy. And then, later on calls Dustin barca violent, and our blog a voilent hate website. After hating on Dustin and this blog. Kinda like calling the kettle black. But thats what happens, when you pander to the likes of joan COnrow. She converts even the most jaded, yurt living Monsanto "disliking" mellow guy into a raging snarkist. Yeap. That is epic , don't you think? We hope that Luke realizes how he has slithered into the very chocolaty goodness that he so despises.

 As usual snark, diss, rage, rant or just plain stupid crap in yellow our crap in red)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


“If you hate violence and don’t believe in politics, the only major remedy remaining is education.”
-George Orwell

“Finally, the youth of Kaua’i are standing up.”

     - Random guy on the street 

“With Mayor Bernard Carvalho Making such BAD decisions for the Future of OUR home and Kids. WE are Left with NO other choice but to Take his Chair and BRING IT BACK TO THE PEOPLE OF KAUA’I!!”
- Dustin Barca
's FB announcement of his mayoral candidacy

If you’ve been reading my blog for the last few months I'm sure you've noticed that I have a pretty simple theme.  And my once-a-month postings are reflections of Kaua’i-centric issues through the lens of that theme.  Three years of blogging boil down to these six sentences:

The status-quo isn’t working for Kaua’i.  The dual crisis of environmental decline in the face of rising inequality necessitates a structural shift in society. We can’t expect the tools of the open market or politics-as-usual to fix Kaua’i’s problems.  Likewise, rhetoric and blame are ineffective drivers of lasting change. Our problems are complex, and the solutions will be equally complex.  The only path forward is to engage in inclusive solutions based dialogue.  

On that note, I’ve been watching with mixed enthusiasm as this year’s election season heats up.  

There is finally a candidate, Dustin Barca, who is the literal embodiment of change.  His entire campaign is formulated around fighting the status-quo and he is engaging with many of the people who are left behind by our current political establishment.  Most importantly, food production and sustainability are his two biggest talking points.   

However, I am also really worried.  In a recent article Barca said that the anti-GMO movement on Kaua’i was inspired by Gandhi and that he’s “on a mission from God."  Yet, Gandhi's most important lesson is Satyagraha, which is an insistence on finding the truth through non-violent methods.  And violence, as defined by Gandhi, includes aggressive rhetoric and any form of oppression. 

At the same time, Barca defines himself as a warrior.  As an MMA fighter, he literally makes a living through violence.  But, most relevant is the underlying rhetoric of violence in the anti-GMO movement on Kaua’i. While there have been threats of physical violence to some of our policy makers, the real violence comes in the personal attacks (such as this website)(LINKS TO US) and the myriad of offensive memes distributed through Facebook (such as this one) from both sides.  

Even the holy grail of the movement, bill 2491, was passed in an atmosphere of extreme aggression. 

Since I don't know Barca personally,Don't you hate when people don't know you personally read your FB page, and then  write a dissing, snarky blogpost based on whatever shows up on your FB page? That is just so snarky, isn't it? Most would say that was passive aggressive, with aggressive undertones. Most would say that, wouldn't they? Oh wait, Luke jsut did that. Luke beleives in something called. non violence, and also, Satyagraha, which we used Encyclopedia Brittanica, since people who love "science", also hate googlesearch, and call people who use it, Google Scholars, which means they are dumb and don't know anything. So, here we print it out for ya. except Luke forgot to follow the practice in the above crap he just wrote about Dustin.
  and because his campaign website is lacking on details, I browsed through his public Facebook profile to see where he stands on issues other than GMO.  While nobody should be judged based on an FB profile, it is illuminating into who he is. He denies the evidence behind climate change, yet believes the government is manipulating our weather.  He rails against federal fire arm restrictions and repeatedly appeals for the people to "stand up and fight."  He believes in the far right conspiracy theory popularized by Glen Beck that UN Agenda 21 is a secret government takeover aimed at collectivizing private property.  All while repeating the refrain that he's "on a mission from god."

Gandhi famously wrote that “the pursuit of truth does not permit violence on one’s opponent.”  Barca’s candidacy is currently painted as a protest against Mayor Carvalho.  And there are many who will vote for him solely because of that.  But, in order to have a realistic shot at winning, he needs to do more to separate himself from any threats of violence, aggression,(unlike Luke himself, who uses aggressive rhetoric and suppositions rather then just speaking with Dustin personally and asking the guy his views on things. also, Luke, being very judgmental, even if Barca did believe everything that Luke is claiming he did, Ghandi was famous for saying not to "judge others". Luke apparently cannot keep his own beliefs straight, since he judges everyone.) and conspiracy theories.  Most importantly, he needs to make this a campaign about finding real solutions to our gravest systemic issues.

How exactly will he fight the status-quo?  From the important issues that he points out on his website: How do we "reverse our 90% food import with 90% food production"  or solve "our reef pollution crisis"?  Without bio-tech, what happens to the land?  To the workers? Since the county doesn't own any ag land, where would the agricultural drug rehab centers go?  In the process of regaining our water rights, how do we restore water to the south fork of the Wailua River while ensuring that Lihu'e continues to have a source of drinking water?  As mayor, what is the administrative route to achieving these noble aims? We wonder how Luke decided that Ghandi would agree with him, over Barca. We think it would be the exact opposite. We wonder how Luke, who is in the business of making canoes, and is a real big cheese with the Kaiola canoe club, thought that writing this would make him look like a pacifist. We also wonder if he was trying to help out all of his buddies that work for the GMO guys. DO we know that Lukes buddies work for the seed companies? Well, lets put it this way, we have as much evidence as Luke does for what we say. Take that anyway you want too. Short answer: we don't, and neither does Luke
As George Orwell stated, we have three agents of social change: politics, violence, and education.  On Kaua’i, we now have a clear choice between two of those three: politics or violence.  

In the same way that I hope that Barca can move beyond the rhetoric of violence that often defined the anti-GMO movement,We guess that Luke as asleep, never attended the meetings, never saw the completely violent, aggressive stance of what happened on the front lawn, never read all of the violent crap that was posted on the internet, the intimidation s and threats of violence, the police had to be called in, complaints were made, there was all kinds of crap going on. Yeah, from the pro gmo guys side. they were taking pictures of womens body parts and posting them on the internet and making fun of them. Yeah, Luke, are you all for that? Guess you forgot that part, huh? Guess you weren't there, huh? Guess you are just...what exactly are you thinking, Luke? Saying that the seed companies aren't violent? what do you think getting up there every day bringing in private security guards, and threatening to sure the crap out of your fellow kauai people for asking for disclosure, isn't violent? What would Ghandi say, Luke. hah? Ghandi stood up and fought for what he believed in. people derided him, chided him, called him insane, ect. you, my pal are doing the same thing to Barca. We think that Ghandi would be p[pretty ashamed of your antics. Seriously. I hope that Mayor Carvalho sees the inherent anger and disenfranchisement of the Barca campaignWhat evidence does Luke give, to support this statement? What inherent anger is he talking about? Oh, you mean the kind of anger, where people call Barca, stupid dumb uneducated Hawaiian surfer dude that never had a job in his life and doesn't know how to work? Oh you mean That inherent anger. That was all on the other side, Luke. In fact that was all on your beloved Cornrows blog. We reamed her for that too,l and put it all up for thousands of people to see. Just like we are doing weith you, now. Cuz, you went there. And we followed. call as a wake-up to move beyond back-room politics.  Barca has identified some of the problems, can Carvalho do any better in identifying solutions?  So, Luke is confused. First, Barca is a scary violent guy who believes in crazy conspiracy theories and has got nothing on the ball. But wait, Carvalho needs a wake up call? HE has had since 2008 to wake up. he chose to side with the seed companies. the same companies that help to dump crap in the ocean you paddle in, Luke. yeah. He has chosen to allow our parks and roads to fall into disrepair. he has chosen to ignore the peoples pleas. he has chosen to allow bus stops to be nice in wealthy areas, and a chair and a homemade bench in the poorer ones. he has chosen the other side. The side, Luke where you are fast approaching, with your own rhetoric.

It’s time for both candidates to leave behind violence,wait, so now Bernard has been violent too? politics, if you are a politician, politics is what you do. you have to be GOOD at politics, not leave it behind. A politician can't NOT be into politics. That makes no sense. Luke, you can't have your cake and eat it too.and rhetoric in pursuit of effective solutions.  This election season could be an unprecedented opportunity for dialogue and engagement on Kaua’i’s deepest issues. Or, we can continue with our current path, driving a deeper rift through the heart of our community because of an insistence on blind rhetoric; leaving us no closer to any solutions for our most pressing issues.which is a hilarious statement, coming from someone that has been hell bent the entire post, in his own confused rhetoric and trashing this blog, and barca. Oh and claiming we are linked somehow as well, which we have clearly absolutely claimed in disclaimers is not the case. Luke needs to take off the foggy glasses, and shake out his own rhetoric, hypocrisy and sarcasm. You can have the cake, but not the frosting, Luke


    KatieHJune 4, 2014 at 11:47 AM
    I will agree there are some contradictions in some of Barca's statements. I expect that these will be addressed and explained as the election unfolds. I am glad you pointed out that Carvalho hasn't supplied any answers to the big questions as well.
    I generally think you are very fair and objective to consider various points of view, however, I do not think it is fair to reference personal attacks and Kauai Snarkclectic without addressing the decline of the previously respectable Kauai Eclectic and the apparent reason that it came into existence - lack of factual information, personal attacks and lack of solutions. While Snarkclectic may also not provide all the solutions it does back up individuals who are trying to do just that.*PURPLE MEANS IT IS IN OUR FAVOR, OR SOMETHING WE AGREE AND LIKE*


    1. Luke EvslinJune 5, 2014 at 5:04 PM
      Thanks Katie. I am actually less concerned with the contradictions of the campaign, and more with the lack of details and aggressive atmosphere of the movement as a whole. At the same time, I'm inspired and hopeful that youth like Dustin are standing up. I've never seen the people of Kaua'i this engaged in politics before.

      Regarding Kauaisnarklectic, I really can't understand any attempt to justify a hate website. It's important to debate the issues, not resort to character attacks. While I won't condone Joan's periodic personal attacks, her viewpoint is an incredibly important piece of the conversation. I'm not sure what value kauaisnarklectic brings, other than to degrade the level of conversation and, IMHO, take away validity from the very movement it tries to support.*AND NOW. IOHA(iN oUR hUMLE oPINION) luke sucks.You call Joan's attacks PERIODICAL? LOL They are daily, hourly, and by the minute, Dude, can't you read?
  2. AnonymousJune 9, 2014 at 4:31 PM
    You hit it on the nail about the "how" in this mayoral election. I too perused through Dustin's website and only found what issues he is focused on and no solutions or insight into how he would effect change in those issues were mentioned. Granted Mayor Carvalho's website does not have that information either, my main concern with Dustin is that we do not know anything about him to start off with other than he is a pro surfer and MMA fighter. As a voter, I want to know: educational background, work history, community involvement, etc. I want to know if he served on any board/committee/commission, and if so, what were his contributions, what did he accomplish (I'm sorry, but organizing a march doesn't cut it for me); if he did have a job, was it a management position, does he have supervisory experience? Also, on his site it claims that he has been involved in politics most of his young career...what exactly is that?Did he testify at the State Leg? Did he help draft legislative amendments, etc.? YA GOTTA LOVE THIS ANON. i MEAN HE ESSENTIALLY JUST CRACKS EM BOTH ON THE HEAD. sO, ITS OK FOR CARVALHO BUT NOT OK FOR DUSTIN. aT LEAST THIS GUY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DISSER. However, this is the same kind of person who thinks that the man who is currently president, has never held a job, and is just a community organizer. This is also a guy that thinks if you haven't been behind a desk your entire life, or working for the current administration you cant be a mayor. Forget the fact that Bernard was in parks and recs for decades, was an athlete, and plays ukulele and dances hula. people said the same thing about him when he ran. With the same attitude.

    According to the Charter, the Managing Director needs to have at least a college degree and have held a supervisory or management position for a year or so I believe...So I would assume the Mayor have similar qualifications. You assume wrong. The entire premise of the constitution is that anyone can rise to political prominence. even someone who doesn't have the kinds of experience YOU think he should have. Community organizers, brick layers, ukulele players and surfers, as well as pro wrestlers, MMa fighters, and any other occupation you can think of that isn't a paper pushing job have risen to be great politicians even presidents. Not to mention Jesus Christ. A humble Carpentor. Turns out he was the Son of God. Starteed a whole new religion. Never sat behind a desk, or was a paer pusher. He led protests, and organized community stuff. He could walk on water.  people thought he was a conspiracy theorist lunatic too.
    While it is commendable this young man is throwing his name into the hat, being Mayor is SERIOUS business which involves not only making decisions on behalf of the best interest for the people of Kauai, but it also involves managing an entire corporation.Luke is SERIOUSLY patronizing, isnt he?
    While Mayor Carvalho has had his share of questionable decisions in the past, you can't deny that he has put together a stellar cabinet of Department Heads - (hands out depends to everyone, since we assume you are still LYAO(lauighing your ass off, ok?)PCounty Engineer Larry Dill, CIP Manager Keith Suga, Planning Director Mike Dahilig, Housing Director Kamuela Cobb-Adams, etc.(WHAT ECT? ok, so what he is saying is an aasskisser if the highest order? These people are STELLAR? so, there are NO OTHER STELLER PEOPLE ON KAUAI? That, Dustin couldn't POSSIBLY know about STELLER people, since he isn't STELLAR. He would have a non steller cabinet. Yeah right. Bernard doesn't run the show. Luke is too young to understand. he is too young to know who really runs this island. But he is sure it cant be Dustin.  Because Dustin is just not good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it just not purty enough to be da mayah!

    Eyes and ears are open.U SURE ABOUT DAT LUKE?
  3. AnonymousJune 14, 2014 at 8:01 PMOUR AWESOME POST(takes a bow*
    Hey Luke, thanks for the awesome mention in your blog! Wow, way to be aloha. Isn't it funny, Luke? lo and behold, we came across this post of yours. Well, since we still have you on our bloglist, but we have denoted you to the List we reserve for "snarkists", since you have decided to enter that arena, you don't either have a sense of humor, have any idea what a "hate blog" actually consists of, and don't understand the concept of our blog, which we in no way try to hide, and we make uku piles of disclaimers on it as well.
    We see you as floundering, a bit Luke. Not really sure what team to root for. We don't take sides, we root out the snark, pick it apart, and expose people for the hypocrites they are.
    We also, are pretty darned funny. But a hate blog? Seriously? a hate, blog, really? Come on, Luke, we use biting sarcasm, and we are no holds barred, but we don't hate on anyone. Not unless they hate on us first.
    And if you are so concerned, scared and nervous about Barca, please, Luke for God's sakes, do not vote for him. Seriously. Its not like one vote counts, or anything. Right Luke?
    SO, you just stay there, be scared, and terrified, and nervous, and hide under the bed. We will tell you when it is safe to come out, Luke. Don't worry, there is a blankie, a cookie, and a binkie waiting for you.
    Oh, by the way, apparently you never read our blog before. There is a disclaimer on it, that says we have absolutely NOTHING to do with Barca's campaign for mayor, and they do not endorse us what so ever. We are renegades, Luke. We fly our own freak flag, thank you very much
    We don't hide behind anyone's skirts. And we don't pretend to be something we aren't. We are diss, and snark, snarking dissers anad snarkists, wrapped in deep dark humour, and chocolaty goodness. Try to keep up, Luke. hate doesn't enter into it whatsoever. perhaps, you have never experienced real hate. Luke.
    One persons snark and so called "hating" is another persons hilarious funny rant. Luke.
    So don't stress.
    Oh, and thanks for asking others to go to our blog and read it! What a shameless free plug!
    We Love being dissed on other blogs. It's like mothers milk to us. Please feel free to hate on us, and diss us as much as you like. Just be a big boy and wear your big boy pants, when we throw it right back.
    As for bringing down the level of conversation on our island, Luke, it was brought down already, we are just trying to show people how to wallow in it, deeply, and just get all covered with chocolaty goodness.
    Of course, people must really hate our so called hate blog as you call it, because we have had literally thousands of pageviews and on google plus we are approaching 40,000p views, and we have been up less then 8 weeks.
    So, think you should check your hypocrisy at the door.
    T By the way, Joan has dissed you several times, and then not dissed you. B
    It is too bad that you lost the Gold Standard Blog level on our blog, but we bet that you will LOVE being on our other list. Way to go!
    Since we are such haters. Unlike yourself, who doesn't hate on people right, Luke? Right?
    Welcome to the life of a professional snarkist, Luke. You have now been ordained. Bless you!
    BTw, feel free to remove this comment. It will be up on our blog, and a big headline on monday saying "Luke Disses and hates on Us for dissing and hating on Joan, who disses on Luke, (often.).
    isn't blogging fun?
    sincerely, The Kauai Snarklectic Publishing Team.
    yeah we posted as anon. isn't sarcasm Fun??????


    1. Luke EvslinJune 14, 2014 at 9:26 PM
      Thank you.LOLZ, oh NO, luke thank YOU.
    AnonymousJune 14, 2014 at 10:20 PM
    No, Luke, thank YOU! For dissing a fellow paddler, a fellow waterman, a fellow kauaian, a fellow guy in the same age category, a fellow athlete, thanks for calling Dustin, whom you have never met, even though you grew up in Wailua, and he grew up in Kilauea,

    Thanks for falling into the hands of people who really wanna diss our entire island and way of life, thanks for without even realizing it, making it seem that now, every paddler for kaiola canoe club should be against Barca, because of your influence with them. yeah. Thanks Luke. Way to go.l Way to back up Kauai people. Y

    ou should really take a good look in the mirror and think about what you have written here today. About Dustin, about our blog, about what your words and rhetoric could actually do. You have just launched a "personal attack". Not just one, but two.

    Therefore, you have just negated your own "high road", and "High Ideals.". Your parent is a doctor. You have had apparently a very good life. You have done quite well for yourself, granted through determination and hard work. Dustin is also a good guy, with determination, and hard work ethic, although you and he took a different path to achieve those goals.

    Who are you to rip on Dustin? What makes you better then him, Luke? Why would you put something like this out there? It is pretty shameful.

    Not to mention, we have a lot of friends and ohana that paddle for Kaiola. And a lot of those people are Dustin Barca supporters. There are paddlers all over this island that support him. You really need to re read what you wrote. Before you press the send button, make sure you are willing to own the words that you put out there. you don't think this is going to send a firestorm through the paddling community?

    Isn't that what it was supposed to do? Isn't that the strategy? Calling Dustin right wing extremist? Do you have any evidence to support the statements that you made? That is what is known as a "personal attack",. Luke. You are doing the exact thing you portend to despise.

    If you ever needed help out there in the ocean, Dustin is the kind of guy that would be right there to save you. No matter what you called him on your blog. Think about it Luke. Let's hope that your next blogpost is an apology.

    Kauai Snarklectic Publishing team


Luke Evslinh is a paddler. HE is the son of a doctor. HE grew up in Wailua.HE founded a company that makes canoes, and is attached to the Kaiola Canoe Club. He is a young guy. We can just bet that man y people are going to be pretty shocked at the tone of Luke's writing about Dustin Barca, a l,ocal Kaua'i Native Hawaiian. A fellow p[addler. You would think that someone like that wouldn't be writing stuff about Dustin Barca, wouldn't you? Yeah You would think so. apparently that isn't the case.

If we were looking for a poster boy, to be the ideal "Anti Barca", a young guy, credible from kauai, makes canoes, has ties, comes form a good family background, who would we select to be that particular mouthpeice? And whom would be interested in having someone like that out there make personal attacks against Barca? Hmm, let us thing a, uh nope um cant think of any one *LOL* BS of course we can.

Like Joan, you can see the slow evolution of his writing, as it makes a complete 360, and then just starts ragging on Barca. Just like Joan who went from Awesome to Funky in three nanoseconds, and also did a 360.

Perhaps, one of the employees that makes rudders didn't like someone

HEre is an example of Lukes evolution and confusion leading to his last blogpost:.

HEre, we finally see it clearly, in the "science" blogpost:

and then, the blogpost that prompted this blogpost:

See, Luke calls our blog a hate blog, because we give Joan Conrow a hard time. And Luke adores Joan. He calls her the "premier blogger" of Kauai.

But when we look at Lukes posts, he seems befuddles and bemused as to which direction he should be steering his canoe. Who knows what beef he may actually have with Bar-ca, whom he claims to have never met. We find that pretty far fetched if you are a waterman on Kauai. Everyone knows who Barca is,  and he has been involved in water stuff for so long. The guy just paddles around Na Pali, and used a canoe to do it. Come on, now, ya never hear of him? Ya never met him?

Luke cofounded a company, with mainland and Oahu roots and ties. They have a large amount of employees mostly Local. Luke is raised here, but Caucasian, just like Dylan Hooser,.Unlike Dylan Hooser, Luke enjoys trying to figure out how it should all work, but doesn't himself take the plunge and try to run for anything, or engage in anything. He does enjoy reaming others who do, however. But he inst violent, nor engages in character assassinations. Except if its, Dustin Barca. And this blog. He seems like a pretty cool guy, except for his adoration fixation on Joan, and now going after Barca, following Joans lead. What is so funny, is that Joan alternately praises the guy, and disses the guy on her blog. Somehow, Luke got his hands on our blog, and decided we were violent. Luke who is also a pretty smart guy, and has some edumacation, believes that Dustin, being an MMA fighter, means he is "violent". Luke has been feeding at the Joan Cornrow trough a bit too long. Where does Luke stand on the 2491 issue? IF he is in favor of it, he can't possibly have Joans love. So, we are pretty sure, he leans towards empathy for the Chemical Seed Companies. And makes canoes, and paddles. In the same w3ater they are polluting. Do we know this for a fact? Nope, we are jsut speculating just like Luke is. Thats why it isn't a character assassination. Because it is speculation. Get it? Only unlike US, on THIS blog, Luke never admits he doesn't actually know these things for sure. And that is why OUR blog, is NOT a "personal attack blog". We NEVER go after anyone without the evidence to back it up. If we don';t know, we SAY we don't know. we may allude to it, but we don't try and say we know when we don't Luke, you should really learn from US, yanno.

No, see L>ukes writing is sufficiently mild enough, and he is sufficiently in awe of Joan, that she can chide him and deride him while stll keeping his adoration. SO, if you mess with the Joanster you are messing with the Lukester! AND since Joan don't like the Barcster, you can bet the Lukester is gonna go and ream the Barcster, because the Joanster would be so impressed.

We suppose, that the strategy would be to rally canoe paddlers against Dustin Barca? Since Luke Evslin seems to be such a tour de force within Paddling circles? Is this the strategy? DI he meet with Joan, and they together hatched up the hatched piece that he wrote against Barca, and while they were at it, took a swing at us and tried to make a connection? DO you love our conspiracy theories? Well Luke has a few of his ownb, if you read his writings.

See, if Luke can decide that Dustin is violent, and our blog os a hate blog, then we can absolutely conclude that Joan and Luke are joining forces to turn every paddler in the state against Dustin Barca. Because that is how much sense this all makes. None. And since Luke is claiming he has never met Barca, it really makes you wonder how a paddler, can go against another paddler. A credible businessman who should know better. Aren't these the exact kinds of [people that Joan tries to protect on her blog? Are we gonna cut Luke some slack? Nope. HE went for the jugular. So we are gonna pounce right back. Is that violent rhetoric? Nah, its just descriptive writing. Get over it.

Luke also claims to have never met Dustin barca. Yet, he seems to claim to know a lot about Dustin, and apparently knows his deepest darkest vilest and violent intentions, and knows a lot of other important stuff about him, too.

He has also chosen to link our blog, with the Dustin barca for mayor campaign, even though we made a clear disclaimer on our blog, that Barcas campaign is in no way related to our blog. In fact, that is why we put the disclaimer up. In case someone like Lujke Evslin decided to link what we do here, to the barca campaign. We have been more then clear, put up disclaimers that are very clear, we have been very transparent about what this blog is, we have even put up an adult content warning on the blog, so if people do not want to be offended, ie they think like Luke, and thinks that dark humour, and snarking snarkists and dissing dissers is somehow an act of "violence and hate", which it clearly is not, but then obviously Lu7ke is a nervous guy, who abhors anything at all that smaks of anything at all apperently. However, Luke is extremely good at being a snarkist and a disser when he puts his mind to it.

Luke Evslin regularly posts on Joan Conrows blog. And Joan regularly reams him a new hole, when Luke doesn't tow HER line. At ALL times. Don't worry we will be putting those posts up.

But first, let us look at Luke, and what Luke decided to write about Dustin, and this blog. Now, Luke claims that what WE write is so0mehow "Violent and hateful", yet Joan Conrow is somehow...not? We u8nderstand that Joan Conrow is a supreme snarkist of the highest order, as are we. Joan isn't violent. She is a hater, but her blog isn't a hate blog. We never claim that Joan is  a hatefilled old windbag that just has violent thoughts in her head about blowing up hippies. We never said that or would ever allude to that. Ever ever in a million years. Know why? Because we have no evidence to support a statement like that.

We have lots of evidence for other stuff though. Like the fact that Joan is a hater. and has very violent tittles for her blogposts. Now that we can all agree on.

We do hate on people that hate on others that hate on still others. Its like the circle of life. Like a shark tank filled with piranha.

But, here we have non violent peace love and granola bars Luke, who is about to get "personally attacked" by this blog, becasue he "personally attacked us", while personally attacking those whom he thought were personally attacking others. Are you with us yet?

Yes, my children, Luke has become a hypocrite, and a snarkest. A deep snarkest. Not just a mild mannered and polite snarkist.

But it isn't just what he says about us. Nope, he really dedicates himself to sinking ever so deeply into chocoalaty goodness, by really concentrating on someone he has never met, and whom he does not know personally.

Unlike Joan, we don't spend our summer vacay looking up poeples traffic violation records like Joan Conrow does. Joan is on the mainland, having some sort of a "roadtrip". take that anyway you want her words not ours.  Ands while she is on the mainland, where frankly we think she w9uld be far happier, she cant stop thinking about Dustin b arca, and Bernard Carvalho. EYap thats right. She is having deep, deep thoughts. Like, looking up there records, and digging deeply as deep as she can, to find anything she can. And lo and behold she found something! And not just on Barca but on Bernard as well! First question you are asking is, hey how come we never heard of  Bernard's? Exactly. So, yanno she just proved they both had tickets in their lives. Isn't it funny, we never looked up Joans traffic safety record yet. If you ask us, that is just kinda creepy. Obsessive. But certainly not "hate", or "violence". Nope.

So, seriously what are we ranting about? Well, here kids, is the post. And b y the way, we did have Luke Evslin on or Gold Standard Blogs list. He didn't say anything we thought was bad, and Joan had reamed him a bunch of times, so we put him on the good blogpost list. But then, we saw this post. So of course, we demoted him to the snarky blogs we like to diss.

We just wanna show you, that thanks to Luke putting a link to our blog on his blog, and called us "violent", we had about 450 pageveiws at that exact moment. But no comments. Guess people were so awed by the content of our blog, or scared  and shivering in their boots from all of the "personal attacks", agaisnt people who "personally attack " others, that they couldn't type anything out to us.

What a shame. But hey, Luke gave us tons of play, and now more are reading Kauai Snarklectic. We say bring it on. No really, bring it on!. Snark on us, rage on us, call us whatever y0ou like. Its not like you guys are violent and hateful right? Just us. EYah. Hypocrisy reigns supreme with these people. They are all the same. Snarkists. Ragers. Dissers. Even mild mannered ones like Luke Evslin.

Ok, kids just know that the following is considered:

Luke Evslins post, stating that Dustin barca is among many other untruths and viscous lies, and just plain crap, this self proclaimed "no n violent" guru, accuses Dustin Barca, a very likeable mild mannered person, passionate about his island, a sa native Hawaiian and someone who is born and raised here. Luke who has never met Dustin and doesn't know him, alludes to him being a liar, and a scary violent person. So apparently Luke Evslin does not make personal attacks, nor engages in Violent themed rhetoric based on hating on others. Nope. Not Luke. He is just a hypocrite. And then he states that this blog is violent, and somehow connected to the campaign of Dustin Barca. Apparently Luke Evslin cannot read disclaimers, which we will put in our blog yet again. perhaps luke might actually read it this time.
Dustin barca. Nice family man, born and raised on Kauai. Married with two children. Takes care of his ohana. Was an MMA fighter. That involves skill and fighting. To people that say they are non violent, fighting professionally for a living, is somehow violent and you are violent person for doing it. But it is OK, to write out stuff that is passive aggressive. Thats ok. Here is our disclaimer yet again. If you can't read, and don't understand simple words, and you already clocked the adult content disclaimer we put on our blog, to prevent poeple from being offended by our blog, then what more can we do for you people? Hold your damned hands and tell you it's gonna be alright? We have stated a million times, if you come onto our blog, you do so of your own free will Don't whine about us being "violent" or "hateblog". We aren't that is just your opinion. it doesn't make it accurate or true.

In regards to our website content, and the tone of our blog:


Our blog also does not allow anon comments. We have taken every single frickin precaution to MAKE SURE that if you come to read this blog, you are an adult, you know the tone of our blog, what it is about what we are doing, and what to expect. We have made it very clear that if you read the blog, and are still offended by anything written on it, that isn't our fault. you were forewarned. We have not violated any policy of blogger, *we checked*, so there is absolute nothing anyone can say about the content of this blog. Further, we NEVER make violent statements or hatespeech for anyone. However, we have found plenty of it on other blogs, and have exposed hatespeech and also racism, quite thoroughly. We have been pretty awesome in that regard.

So, bottom line is just because some blogger out there, has an opinion that this is a "personal attack" blog, or a "hate blog", or a "violent blog", it is just the guys opinion. Other blogs however really ARE hate blogs, personal attack blogs, and have violent rhetoric or undertones, either from the author themselves, or from comments allowed to be posted there. Those people, and their blogs, end up on THIS blog, and we "puleu" them, which is a figure of speech.

Anyone who claims non violence as a way of life, and then tries to skewer someone else as being a hater, while hating on them, is clearly a hypocrite, a faker, and totally confused, all of the above or none of the above. In essence, what they say doesn't matter. This blog is what it is.

THOUSANDS of people read this blog. HUNDREDS read it every day. IF you are offended by what we write, then leave. Don't read it. Don't look. Just don't click the little protective orange bar. Se4riously man. Get a frickin grip.

Now, if any of you are still here for this dance, here is the original content of Lukes blogpost, and our response to it. We figured he is the kind of guy to take our post down, so we made sure we have it up. Lol.

We are hoping that Luke will man up, and apologize for his personal; attacks. But we doubt it. He can't really go all "Ghandi' yet. He hasn't reached that whole truthiness thingie philosophy quite yet. But when he does, we are SURE that his apology will be EPIC!


Friday, June 13, 2014

Musings: Road Show

I'm on a great road trip through the Southwest, which had me perfectly situated to watch the full moon rise over the red rocks of Sedona.
Meanwhile, the citizen news feed from Kauai continues...
First, I was directed to this link to a video of mayoral candidate Dustin Barca apparently beefing with Sol Kahn on the beach.YEah we bet you had to be "directed" to it. Does Joan know for a fact that this was a REAL beef, or they wer ejust dfarting around? Does Joan know who Sol even is? Oh wait she probably does. She probably google searched him, and background checked him. LOL. DOes Joan know the relationship between Sol and Barca? 
Joan is sure learning a lot, isnt she? Now, her and hersnarkie minions surf surfing sites and comb the internet for shit on Barca. Well, now SOL will know from OUR website that he is being dragged into this, thanks to JOAN CONROW AND HER SNARKIE MILLION DOLLAR MINYUNS. 
I am sure that SOl will be THRILLED at what his name is being used for. TO smear Barca. SOl supported 2491. yeap. He did. SO he sure as shit aint gonna appreciate being mentioned on Joans blog, nor the vid being used for this kind of crap. Barca prolly isn't either. But since Joan doesn't know Sol, she just considers him collateral damage, in her bid to get at Barca by any means possible.
 Destroy Barca! Nothing Else Computes!!!.They are digging deep people. And because they don't understand surf culture they just don't get it. Joan, who probably wouldn't know the front or back end of a surfboard, and certainly wouldn't know where the sites were, followed Chuck Boy Lasker meanderings to "Ye Olde Surf Sites", to see if he could dig up any dirt on Barca. This is a very old vid. SO what? YAWN. Same crap, like "Barca runs over seal. We call NOAA. LOL *YAWN*. That's all they got. Because they are old and uncool. They taint hip man.

And someone else oh yeah like we believe you. Yanno that it was "someone else".checked on the traffic court records of both Dustin and his opponent, Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr., discovering:

Dustin had 12 traffic cases between 2002 and 2014, all minor, but at least two speeding cases of 20 or more mph over the speed limit and one crash.Joan has never had a ticket in her life. For anything. Not even J Walking. Aren't Model citizens usually the ones on the mainland that end up with like weird things in their freezers? Just sayin. 
I mean its always..'He was such a model citizen, he never even had a speeding ticket!". Frankly, I would trust someone that had a speeding ticket, over some freakishly strange perfect person who never did a wrong thing in their entire life. 
yanno, like maybe Jesus Christ. He gets a pass for me. Dude was seriously COOL! Of course, you remember, Christ got busted for that whole VIOLENT EXHIBITION, and horrible display of manors in the temple, when he overturned all of the tax guys tables and threw things around and shouted for them to get the hell outta the temple, and called them all kinds of crap. YEAH. Joan would a put up the video. AND then he got arrested. Joan would a looked that up and put it on her blog. Man, I bet Christ is SO GLAD hes safe and up in heaven, and seated at the right hand of God, instead of down here with Joan.

Bernard, on the other hand, has eight traffic cases starting in 1996.REALLY? BERNARD? WAIT DIDN'T JOAN KEEP TELLING US WHAT A GREAT GUY HE IUS. OH OUR BAD> OOPS. OH MY JOANS BOY HAD TICKETS> OMG NOW WHAT? Well, in typical Joan style, she turns on a dime. "They both suck.". Oh REALLY? Well, Joan, I guess you got no horse to back now, huh?

Seems that neither candidate is a stranger to traffic court

ANd it seems that Joan is just a strange little person, with so little time on her hands, that she has to make this blogpost, even while she is in the place where little green men make their home, which is why we assume she went there for her awesome roadtrip. Joan is so cool. We hope, her, and her traveling pants stay there. Because she complains about this place so much, we don't understand why she keeps going to the mainland and comes back every time.

Its because she misses us all. After all, without us, Joan wouldn't have anything to do. And that donation blog. Which is probably how she got to go on the awesome oh so super duper road trip. See everyone, your donation money was well spent! Do we know this as a fact? of course we don't we are just speculating.

Just like the seed companies are, for every last scrap of land on Kauai that they can plop a seed onto.

And that, kids, is your moment of Zen

Kauai Snarklectic Publishing team

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OK, Snarkists here are the rules. You need to show your real name. Or we just ban you. We don't do anon posting here. So you need to have a legit ID.Don't like it, too bad. We don't moderate here. We just simply ban you. All you can do, is take a chance, and see if your post survives to make it onto the blog. But life is a gamble, isn't it? Kinda like when you posted your first snarky comment, kinda gave you a rush, huh? Just think of this in the same way.

Happy Snarkin!