This is the whole video produced for his run around the island. You can see most of the launching ceremony. People are staying to the left of the monk seal sign. You can see that the seal is not being run over by the canoe, as the entire launching going into the water is shown. You can also see that there are at least a hundred people there, not only Dustin Barca supporters, but at least several dozen visitors that had no idea what was going on. As you can see, this was locals, local people hand Hawaiians. All who have the utmost respect for Monk seals, including Barca himself. TO try and put up a 60op second video clip, and say that Barca was "Harassing" a seal, with so many people there as witnesses is sheer stupidity.
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Dustin Barca's Run for Mayor THIS WEEKEND!#dustin4mayor#dustinbarca |
Clayton Kubo Westside Kaua'i Hero |
Katie Horgan Joan Conrows latest "I'll Get You Yet, My Pretty!", victim |
Joan Conrow Empress Of Snark "I'll get you yet, my pretty!" |
We were wading through the virus, hormone infested, fungus laden plants in our backyard yesterday, and musing just why there weren't more chemicals to kill them off bettor. I mean, come on, there is a spot on that one, a blemish on that one. AS we mused dejectedly, the bright beautiful glorious day began to cloud over in our minds, as we collectively became gloomy, glum sadsacks, schlepping around and trying to figure out what to do with ourselves. Then the light went off almost spontaneously! Well, it was just a bulb that popped in the kitchen, but still.
So, our staff rallies at the statue of Joan. *see previous post*, and we began to pray. We raided the fridge and the garden. We looked for ring spot viruses and banana viruses and cassava viruses. You know, the foods that aren't GMO yet. I mean come on seriously we need to feed the WORLD, right? Even though half of the world *or more* has banned GMOs in some way or completely. We just KNOW we can save lives!.
Suddenly, from a misty corner, came Joni Kimayo! Or some version of that, we don't feel like factchecking today, that is Joans job. In fact, we noticed that Joan was feeling kinda lazy herself on her last blogpost, merely perusing the Garden Island Newspapers online site, and commenting on each headline. We LOVE her creativity and ingenuity! Such writing skills and original thought processes!
It's like going through someones garbage when they have already thrown it out, and digging right to the bottom for the really good stuff, yanno the icky rancid rotten stuff. EYah! That's awesome!
And then...commenting about it on a blog! That is "investigative" reporting right? Well, its reporting, right? Well, its a report right? Well its writing, write? Er, nevermind.
But first lets to get to the latest WAHINE IN PERIL, as Joan Conrow ties yet another unsuspecting, poor young, brilliant girl with an advanced degree to the Kilohana train tracks, and starts the engines to run her ass over!.
Here is Joans latest post, more then likely written from some safe bunkered haven somewhere where there are no environmental nutcases. You know, like Joan, who wante4d all of the football games stopped for the shearwaters, and we believe brought some sort of a suit against someone, and got the EPA all involved n stuff...yeah. THAT Joan Conrow. The same one that just LOVES LOCALS, and wrote a book about TOURING KAUAI FOR FAMILIES. Like she has a passle of kids and knows all about it. Guess she doesn't like football games. Right Joan? Right? But she hates the military. Oh DOES she? Does she REALLY? But, but, Joan, aren't you all for the biggest employers of the We3stside? So, don't you Love the military? I mena they employ people, Joan. Aren't you for the employers? Wait, does the military not like GMO's? Could this be true?
Oh wait, no, just one little female employee, young, and engineer with advanced degrees, cute, pretty, sweet, and young. Just the type of delectable little morsels that Joan Loves to chew up and spit out for a light snack, If we didn't know any better we would say something else was going on, but nah. We are pretty sure that Joan is as celibate as a nun. Neither side would want that. But maybe it is the frustrated poledancer in Joan? Does she really YEAH to spin on the tin? WHO knows. After all, that is jsut baseless speculation. Jut like most of Joans so called "writing", the icing on the cake to her pure snarkiness.
So, who is this delicate little flower that Joan wants to pluck from the ethers and drag stomping below her black topped hiking boots?
Well, the poor evil creature designed the KCC Bookstore building. Yap. Evil, evil evil. She works for some contracting company u8nder a military contract. But she is a red shirt! AN evil, globulating redshirt minion, that needs to be stopped at all costs? Know Why? Cruz she picked on poor widdle Joany Pornsey. That's right, folks. She told Joan if she didn't let her post on her blog, she would write an editorial to the newspaper about her. Aw. POOR JOAN! She got all butthurt over it. But wait, don't let US tell you, here is the post.
But before we show it to you, we want to show you the kind of wicked, evil cruel things this wanton woman of 2491 poledancing dilettante has been posting all over the Internet, and we also want to state, that these posts were mostly coming from a surfing blog. Something Joan is certainly not intimately familiar with, but since Dustin Barca started running for mayor, GMO companies are now trying to figure out how to make GMO surf. Well, they already have, they just won't admit it. Next is GMO air...oh wait...done that already......Moving along....
Here are some flaming horrific posts we found! They were so G rated, we got a cavity! Seriously, Joan can't take it, even at its most MILD form. In fact, where does she mention Joan? Where are these so called threats? Where are the posts? Joan? Joan? Actually we are kinda pissed that she went for Kate. We wanted her to take a go at us. But we figure, nah. She knows we would go for it. Too hard for Joan. The poor girl probably doesn't even know Joan wrote about her. She will now. Thanks to US.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Musings: Gone Crazy
As someone noted in comments yesterday: The entire [Kauai county] council seems to have gone crazy.To which I might add, it's not just the Council. Got lots of unelected nuts out there, too.
Like Lepeuli Beach regular Richard Spacer, who has asked the state Attorney General to launch a criminal investigation into former Planning Commissioner Caven Raco. Seems Richard, who is displeased with the Waipake Beach access planned through the Kahu Aina Plantation project, takes issue with Caven's testimony to the County Council last October supporting the access:
I would like all the council members to be made aware that I was a voting committee member on the Subdivision committee during the public testimony stages of this particular applicant when the original path was decided. During public testimony and deliberation it was the community that showed interest in having a foot path and not the planning dept. It is my recollection that over 100 signatures and testimonies were provided for the path. I hope that this may help clarify any confusion.
But because the planning department was unable to provide Richard with the signatures, which apparently were provided to Caven outside of a meeting, and thus not part of the department's records, Richard is convinced Caven has engaged in “public fraud.” In his letter to the AG he writes:
I would like your office to investigate what motivated Mr. Raco to make that testimony when Mr. [Dale] Cua says no such documents exist. Is there a past, present, or future benefit to Mr. Raco for making that apparently fraudulent testimony? Did the owner of the Kahu Aina subdivision Falko Partners, a company owned by Mr. Larry Bowman, or the property manager Mr. Shawn Smith offer inducements to Mr. Raco for favorable testimony?
I will also be asking the FBI Public Fraud Unit to investigate.
Oh, and I'm sure they'll get right on it. I wonder why Richard, who has told some whoppers,really Joan? ANd what lies did he tell? Evidence, girl, learn basic Journalism! doesn't believe he also should be held to truthfulness. Should we ask the FBI and AG to investigate?
And then there's rabid “redshirt” Katie Horgan, who threatened to write a letter to the editor if I didn't let her comment on my blog. Truly. I'd never even heard of the wahine until she started attacking me in cyberspace, as the reds are wont to do, because I dared to question them, their “facts” and their despicable tactics.As usual, Joan CANNOT take the heat when it is directed at her, and whines like a little baby. But still, she gave no EVIDENCE to support that post. Where is the correspondance of that? Come on, Joan. Grow up.
So I checked her out. so is this like I "stalked her", check her out, or I "cyberbullied" her checked her out, or i did a "google search" checked her out, or I followed her one day, and found out where she worked" checked her out, or I did a background check on her" checked her out, or I got her IP adress, and checked her out, or all of the above?Turns out she's another one of those "redshirts" with ties to the construction industry, her "ties to the construction industry", is that the girl is an engineer with advanced degrees, who designed, for one thing, the new bookstore and OCET building at Kauai Community College a few years ago. Yeah, that EVIL industry. Yanno someone musta stiffed Joan on some petty finishwork, or roofwork at some time in her life. She sure does hate people who wield hammer and nails for a living. Or design housing. Even if its good housing. You know, like buildings for a Community College campus. Oh wait, Joan went to school on the mainland, that's right. How do we know? We "checked her out. We learn from the Master well, don't we St. Joan of yoda?though she is now working for Manu Kai, a private defense contractor that helps PMRF with its electronic warfare systems. She's so freaked out by the seed companies that she drives from Kapahi to Mana every day — what do you suppose the carbon footprint of that is? — rather than live near her job. But she's apparently untroubled by the environmental damage or human health problems caused by war, so long as she's getting a paycheck. Yet she's one of those who has accused me of being a sell out because I refused to slurp the 2491 Kool-Aid.We disagree. JOAN CONROW IS NOT A SELL OUT. Nope. You have to have something to sell to be a sell out. Joan has nothing. So, therefore, nothing to sell out. Soulless, empty shell of a human water bag. That's about it. SO, on this, we gotta say, that Joan Conrow is completely innocent of being a sell out on anything. Who would buy so much of her chocolaty goodness that she could EVER sell out of it? It just keeps coming, in huge ginormous oceans. Nope. Joan Cornrow. Not a sell out.
Then there's Kauai Rising, which doesn't know whether it has a charter amendment or an ordinance, but it wants the County Clerk to start counting the signatures anyway. Actually, they do know it's an initiative, but they're trying to pass it off as a charter amendment because fewer signatures are required to get an amendment on the ballot.
In a guest commentary today, Allan Parachini does an excellent job of outlining the insanity of this amendment, as well as the deceptive process used to collect signatures. As Allan notes:
This initiative is one of the most dangerous manifestations of the drive by the extreme political right and left to usurp the right to decisions over our basic nutrition that are really the province of individuals and families. The County Council has the authority to hold this process up until a thorough review of what the initiative actually says and means and who and what are really behind it. It must do so.This is RICH! SO, Joan COnrow BASHES poeple who have conspiracy theories, yet here comes this looney tunes, and he says there is a conspiracy and joan is all over this one! ANd even MEl Rapozo is getting on some of these trains. Poor Joan. Her support base is shrinking smaller and smaller. Untill all of the poeple that think Joan has anything of sense to say will be fitting on the head of a pin. With room to spare. Seriously. Hypocrite? Kettle meet Pot?
Yet even though the Council, as Chair Jay Furfaro astutely observed, isn't sure whether they've got a cat or a dog — it's a dog, Jay, take my word for it arguably sop is Joan, but we will leave that sleep and lie. because there is just no point in going there. its pretty obvious— he and all his colleagues, except for Ross Kagawa wonder if Ross knows ha that he is Joans special angel on the council? I wonder how he feels about having an older, white woman from the mainland admire him so much? Does Ross know how much Joan posts about him, and praises him? DO you think this would disturb Ross, to know of Joans obsession for him? Hmm. Perhaps someone should tell him. Oh wait, we just did. Does Anyone see a pattern yet, here kids? I mean seriously the unbalance, and hinginess of this is starting to get a bit on the creepy side.voted to move this legal loser along. They couldn't even wait a week for a legal opinion. Cause ya know, the county clerk got nothing better to do — except repeatedly advise Kauai Rising they really should consult with an attorney to sort this shit We just love when a woman who calls babes against biotech poledancers uses words like shit. It just makes her sound so cool and hip. And really down in there with the real people.We can imagine Joan,out there in some dark, smokey room, in some back alley some where saying "Shits gonna go down boys", with a ciggy dangling out of her mouth, and one strap flopped down over her arm, and her knobby knees crossed, while her eyes scan the room for walks...a RED SHIRT! Lolz. Yeah. Or shes like a dead head groupie that got rejected. but remebers to say shit every once In a while just to remind us that she is one badd ass motha..
Problem is, the Kauai Rising folks don't want to pay. Instead, they're looking for freebie legal services — gee, where's Teri Tico. Earthjustice and Center for Food Safety now? You'd think Joan Porter, whose husband, Bill, has like a gazillion bucks, could kick down some kala for a legal review. If she wants this thing, why doesn't she put her money where her mouth is and hire an attorney to make it legit, instead of casting the burden on Kauai taxpayers?Jopans green eyes monster of jealousy rises to the surface, as the snark pours forth like a river from her fingertips, releasing juicy little tidbits about peoples lives and how much money they have. yet Joan herself refuses to release who her donars are on her donation blog with no NON PROFIT LISTED, nor any information whatsoever about HER financial resources. Gee, Joan, we love how you stalk er we mean "fact check" your chosen select victims. er we mean, people that you "write" about."
Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura, meanwhile, joined a majority in properly slapping down the no-confidence resolution for County Attorney Al Castillo while uttering this gem:
I’m hoping this experience, as uncomfortable and awkward as it has been, has maybe been helpful to all of us to think about leadership and how each of us exercises it in the public trust.this little "gem" was written about by a REAL reporter, from the garden island newspaper who was more then likely actually in the room, and reporting on the event as his job. Joan, just read it off the Internet. With no cred to the reporters who actually report the stories. that's cuz joan cant find anyone to pay her fo0r reporting. She was booted from the star bulletin for reaming the boss publicly in an article. Joan always bites hands. People keep feeding her though. But she doesn't seem to pack on the pounds much. too mean and scrappy for that! It takes love to pack on the pounds.
Gee, wouldn't that be a switch.
And finally, the The Garden Island's comment section lit up on the story about the Kilauea man who got probation, a fine and an order to attend parenting classes for making his son walk a mile as "old school" discipline. Oh, the outcry against Judge Kathleen Watanabe, the Office of Prosecuting Attorney and the nanny state.
Too bad the reporter didn't provide the full story: A lady found the 8-year-old boy screaming and hysterical in the bushes, with no idea where he was or how to get home, so she called police.
Discipline is fine. Seriously traumatizing your kid is, fortunately, against the law.
SO HERE< WE WILL GIVE YOU A LING TO THE GI, where you can read the days online Internet choices for headlines. is what Joan does. Just peruses others writings and comments on it. That doesn't make you an "Investigative reporter". It makes you an Internet troll, and a critic. Far cry from great Journalist. In fact, not even on the same planet. So, where is the credibility of Joan, who continues to solicit funds for her blog, although now she quit gloating about it, and no longer thanks her blog supporters. It s going to be funny watching her get a donation from everyone and see whom she panders too. She can't win the donation game. Know why? Because she keeps whining about everyone ELSE begging for donations. Lol, so hey, Girlfriend, wake up and smell the Cali, baby! Your donations are going to dry up like Kalaheos water supply! Which Joan mysteriously chose not to comment on. Guess that wasn't Important enough for HER. You know, people without water. Nah. A young girl speaking her mind? OH HELL YEAH< ITS A GO BABY!
The one story Joan DIDN'T Comment on? Why the one she should have cared about. But she doesn't because the REAL suffering of humanity Joan could not care less about, and that is this story, about the water going to be about 6 weeks to get fixed in kalaheo. Now,k in the hottest part of the summer, with all kinds of stuff going on, huymidity ext, and elderly and kupuna living right there, and small kids, they have water buffaloes, and if you really wanna you can take a shower all the way in lihue, or hanamaulu. Of course you will need another shower right after traveling almost 40 miles to get one, plus wasting gas, or taking a two to four hour busride to get there, but hey who cares right? We think Joan should be on it. Oh, eff Joan we got your back, kalaheo!
CLAYTON KUBO a REAL FARMER, and REAL HERO. THis man, was the FIRST to take on the GMO's on Kaua'i, way before ANY OTHER GROUP! He is a born and raised WAIMEA RESIDENT. Joni, below, lives on Maui and not Kauai.
Here are some amazing videos, of this TRUE WAIMEA HERO!
Joanis blogpost. we dont even need to go through this one. Jsut read it, see where they are going with this what dieseases witll be released, and what they plan to do about it. deeper and deeper into even poorer countries, who rely on things like banana and cassava. We can tell you with confidence, that this would include, the amazon rainforest locals, most definately, and lots of other places including here, where the banana is a huge staple of many poeples diet. get realdy for the "diseases", to appear, and for the GMO's to cvreate new chemicals to fight them. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT POST.
I wonder if Monsanto, adn otehrs know that she has posted this? Well, no matter, we repost it here. And it will stay up as long as you guys still wanna read about it.
hedre it is, the future GMO playbook, disease by disease. This is the real reality.
HAWAII FARMERS DAUGHTER t going on deciphering this mess lol
May 28, 2014 by hawaiifarmersdaughter
Big Picture Thinkers Have the Smallest Minds
There are certain buzzwords and catch phrases of our time that bug the hell out of me. The word “sustainability” is one and the catch phrase “big picture” is yet another. Why do I dislike of the overuse of these words? Too many people say it and don’t even know what it really means. From the politicians to community leaders, they brag about being able to see the “big picture” for making Hawaii and the world a better place, but then take actions that show otherwise.If someone truly saw this beautiful “big picture,” it would mean that they could see how everything is interdependent upon each other and all affects it. They would be able to pick apart all the different entities that would be affected by a single decision. They would know such a decision has many impacts far beyond the obvious and will trickle down into other areas. What seemed like an “easy fix” tends to cause other consequences in others aspects that maybe unforeseen. It is pretty hard and complex to think like this and makes you really see how BIG the picture really is.
For the anti-GMO activists around the world, they think that they are doing their part to save the world of this perceived evil. Whether it be stopping Monsanto, or some other evil agrochemical corporation, they are doing us a favor by taking such action. Whether it be a ban of growing GMOs on the Big Island or petitioning for a moratorium of crops on Maui, all they can see is that this evil must be stopped. There’s rich people paying money to influence this yet there is not a shred of credible evidence to back up the rationale for such legislation. They also use powerful motivators with fear and misinformation from Don Huber’s unidentified organism, to Tyrone Hayes Atrazine and mysterious frogs, and now Jeffrey Smith’s legit sounding Institute for Responsible Technology. They see their big picture as ridding the world of GMO and pesticides to make it a better place and don’t even realize the full implications of such actions.
What these people don’t see is what else they are contributing to when they protest and hold concerts together. They don’t see the things happening beyond our own world that their actions have a significant impact upon. The big picture goes way beyond our islands and around the world. We have no worries about where our food is coming from and whether or not we will have another meal. Food is not an issue for most of us. As a result, we are free to pursue other aspects in our lives with work and leisure and activities. What about the rest of the world who does not have such luxuries of us? Shouldn’t we as a nation of wealthy, well fed individuals consider how we can help our fellow human that doesn’t have such opportunities?
When one says that all GMO needs to be banned, consider what is happening around the world…
- A bananapocolypse? Banana crops around the world is in danger
of decimation
due to a fungal infection. In some parts of the world,
people consume up to 500 lbs of this crop as it is a staple.
Research is being focused on the genetics of this fungus to
determine what the source is and how they will solve this problem.
- A deadly staple with a touch of arsenide. Cassava is
the “ultimate
food security crop in Africa” and it is under attack by the
Cassava Brown Streak disease that renders it toxic and inedible.
Scientists are working on a transgenic crop to help protect it
from this disease so that crops are protected.
- California is experiencing the very
severe drought and is one of the main regions where most of our
food comes from. It is positioned as the “agricultural
powerhouse of the United State” when it comes to food
production. When things are this dry, nothing will grow and
how will our current crops stand up against climate change? Neither
organic or conventional crops may be able to tolerate those kinds of
conditions if it persists.
- Bt Brinjal can help decrease developing world farmers against
old world pesticides. A public sector developed this crop to
help save farmers the need for the conventional methods to grow this
essential crop in Asia. It also protects the children
of farmers from having to handle such pesticides. Without
the treatment of pesticides, these people can lose up to 30% of
their crops leaving significantly less income and food for their
- An estimated 250 million preschool children around the world
become vitamin A deficient by the WHO
estimations. About 250,000 to 500,000 become blind every
year with half dying within 12 months of losing their sight.
Consider this perspective, that there is estimated to be 1.392
million people in Hawaii. If we let 500,000 or 35.6% of our
residents succumb to this preventable illness, what would that
burden be upon us as a state? Consider that Honolulu has 973K
people and to let 500K die or become disabled, where would that
leave us?
While we in the US and other western countries are busy fighting about banning and labeling GMOs, what message does that send the world who live far away from the conditions that we experience? We have clean water, lots to eat, access to education and technology and a hell of a lot of energy to complain about our food. Some people have a lot of energy to get together to organize marches against some evil corporation or exchange seeds in hopes of a revolution against a corporation. What good is that kind of action and message send the world about us as individuals? It tells the world that we don’t care about what happens in their neck of the woods and what happens to them because we never have to worry about these issues at all. What kind of human have we become when we don’t think about our fellow human being?
I really admire how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have really learned about the plight of people around the world and figure out ways to help them. If we help others, our goal for a better world can truly be fulfilled. Several key issues that they work on include education of women, access to technology and energy, and food for all. These are all basics that we are so fortunate to have access to that we take for granted.
It is sad to think that we have the power to share the right information for others if we’d take more time to research exactly what we are supporting. GMOs are not about agro-chemical companies poisoning the world or evil corporations owning the food supply. If people keep protesting it, it will only force this technology into the hands of companies with the financial backing to bring it to fruition. It’s about a powerful tool that if given a chance, could do so much to help others that I will never meet, but ultimately have a positive impact upon because I chose to speak up for what it can do for others.
Instead of just wanting that sustainable and compassionate Hawaii, how about thinking beyond that? If you’re going to do something, why not think about that bigger picture?!
Now, to Dustin Barca, we kept the best for last
go to the calender section to check his scedual for this weekend don't miss this kids! He will be coming to each aha mokuj of kauai, with either a swim, walk or run. To meet up with him, the whole thing is posted, so pack something to eat, plenty of water, some comfortable clothing, and come and join him!
This isa guy thatr walks his walk. But poeple like joan jsut want him to shut up and sit down. Joan extremely dislikes Barca. GO figure. hes hawaiian, hes handsome, he has a young family, hes a good athlete, and he can rally the people and enact real change. Apperently anyone who represents this diserves Joans scorn. ANd in return, we will happily hand it right back to her and all others like her, in spades. Eat crow much Joan? well, get used to it.
"Musings: Ah, The Money"
65 Comments - Show Original Post Collapse comments
The westside had red water pre-Cap'n Cook (Waimea means "red water").
The Robinson's have been loyal to their employees for generations, they keep the crazies (Gov and non-Gov) off their land, they care for the land and are singularly responsible for saving many indigenous plants, boids and what-not.
Sheez, I remember when Hooser raised a very limp wrist years ago to challenge PMRF, no luck, but now he has fresh fodder with plenny l'il fresh faced fistees......all for not.
Ag will continue and all that will be left of this Bynum/Hooser anti-Ag law, will be the painful memory of some mis-guided and deceitful Council members.
PMRF sits on Crown Lands belonging to the Hawaiian Kingdom. Haole, do you really believe that you can continue to pull the wool over educated Kanaka who know their history? Get lost.
The comment that weʻd all be speaking Japanese if the americans had not invaded, is so tiring. The Japanese as well as all other nations honored their treaties with the Hawaiian Nation.
The United States is the only nation/government to violate the treaties and invade, occupy and genocide a sovereign peaceful nation.
As in other cultures throughout the Pacific, ownership of land did not exist. Chiefs ruled the people of the ahupua'a but never owned them like serfs. And if alii weren't pono to the people, they were removed. Maka'ainana (commoners) had access to all the resources of the ahupua'a, mauka to makai in order to meet all their needs. Today, most of us are denied access mauka to makai by large landowners. It wasn't until foreigners came and demanded to own property, did land tenure in Hawaii change. We all know the story of the Mahele and the Kuleana Act. Our alii tried to make sure the maka'ainana got their share.
I love how American patriots think the history of a place starts and ends with them and all else before them doesn't count.
Kanaka Maoli are not the racist ones here, we are the oppressed. It was racist foreigners who came here, stole our lands, overthrew our government, banned our culture and to top it off, expect us to be grateful.
Kanaka Maoli are continuing the fight in the international arena because America will never willingly return what was stolen. Get it right, we never "lost" our was stolen and it remains occupied. Huge difference.
Ke kani o nohili, the sounding sands of Nohili....never to be forgotten.
Yhea America the Great....
The "destroying" you talk about that PMRF is about is destroying missiles sent towards your home. Do you believe if we eliminated the military other countries would be sweet and leave us alone?
Your belief that the Navy doesn't care about marine life is incorrect. Their entire "world" is the ocean - they care for it like parents. They are the ocean's police, too, enforcing international maritime environmental laws. Imagine what the status of whales would be without the U.S. Navy.
History does repeat itself and the weak will always be overtaken.
So as the military "fights for your freedom" Americans' civil rights are violated by NSA spying on all our private communications - emails, phone conversations, internet activity whether you're a terrorist or not. Whistle blowers are prosecuted and thrown in jail. Freedom of the press jeopardized by being targeted as accomplices to whistle blowers. How's that freedom working for you?
Development has always been a task for the patient and brave. It takes years and tons of dough, only the persistent will prevail.
The key to the immediate future on all issues is the Council. This year Kauai can get rid of the know-it-all namby pamby council-members who cater to Mainland glory groups with all of the prestige, fear mongering and hate that includes.
Kauai can get back to basics.
How does an island that totally relies on Tourism keep a little bit of the old ways? Everyday about 1/3 of the island's people are visitors....we need the money and this tourist money is clean.
The idears about MarryWanna Farms, Kale/ Goat farms or any dilettante organic effort etc to replace tourism ain't gonna happen.
Tourism is King and without it we would be like the Marshall Islands. Now there is a pristine place, as long as you don't step on an empty Spam can as you walk to the ocean adrift with thousands of floating Pampers..I'll take a smiling tourist over an angry shrieking Fistee (been here ten years-now I'm a local) any day.
Let's show love and understanding....Luke Evslin (and our fearless, absolutely fearless Joan Conrow also) points this out and it should be tried.
When I listen to that radio station, the one nobly started by Butch, then listen to the vulgar voices that host their own little domain shows it makes me sick; one ego steps on the next egoʻs head to rise to top for a little dose of fame.
It sounds like east LA. Those voices, the Rundgrens, Browers, Vandeveers, Yoders, the papolo, the idiot show all reflect the new shoddy and crass Kauai brought to us by the ugly transplants.
And, as so eloquently and truthfully stated earlier: "
I love how American patriots think the history of a place starts and ends with them and all else before them doesn't count."
Tourism is just one of those things that may stay or may not stay depending on the fickle economies.
At the rate carpetbaggers (our government officials), tax and tax to subsidize damaging consequences of their bad decisions tourists may get fed up with Hawaii because the taxing is too high for them also.
No, the long term is to restore the health of the islands: quit allowing endless numbers of vehicles, CONTINUED rampant development, breaking new ground to pour concrete, etc.
RESTORE the Hawaiian way of working the lands.
PMRF has made Kauai a military target.
War is a BIG business.
The military pollutes everywhere it goes, and "collateral damage" (the death of innocent people) is justified by using the "freedom" word.
This is Hawaiian Land, not America.....i.e. occupied by a foreign military power and multinational billion dollar companies.
Might, Money and Power makes Right.
Dr Shibai
"I love how American patriots think the history of a place starts and ends with them and all else before them doesn't count."
See, it's a colonial thang. Freedom for everyone -- as long as yer 'Merican.
Oh, and Christian.
Oh, and white.
Oh, and...
You have it backwards. Paranoia and fear are often cited as explanations for the extreme "my way or the highway" attitude that characterizes American culture in general, and American colonialism in particular.
The truth is simpler: a chronic case of cultural narcissism, nationalism and arrogance.
All of the Big land guys have to do something as an Ag exit. This Council with their anti-Ag stratagem will force development.
scare biz and visitors away. I don't care if it rains or freezes, just as long as I get my Government CheeseWhether Hawaii is better off under the America or not is up for debate. But whatever you do do NOT try to take Fed/State welfare programs away from the most "Hawaiian" island, Molokai. 80 percent of the residents are slopping at the free government trough.....a good example of what happens when yous.
did you ever stop to realize that it is YOU who is slopping at the Hawaiian trough of land and resources.
But probably not because the american mentality is one of rape, pillage, plunder, pirate and in general take anything they can get away with and not realize itʻs wrong.
Yes, it is americans that exude entitlement.
Oh and the idea that some other county would have invaded is ludicrous. There already were long standing treaties and agreements to have military bases in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) as the US had and still has around the globe to protect it's and it's "friends" interests. A real shame that the KIngdom was overthrown and stolen.
We look to the past for guidance from our kupuna. History shows that those who forget the past inevitably repeat the mistakes of the past.
No wonder Hawaii is such a mess: all the billy-bobs have taken up roots here and that includes the nouveau riche billy-bobs.
I feel great empathy for na kanaka.
No matter how much we cite the illegality of US action, all you can come up with is get over it. Never say never...there are lots of examples of countries regaining independence and I'm sure they had similar naysayers as you. We can endure the same ignorance our kupuna did because of great aloha for our lahui.
There is no running away from the ugly truth of history and I bring up examples of the ugliness only to shoot down the high and mighty who believe the USA is the greatest country in the world and refuse to acknowledge its travesties of justice and genocide.
It's a sad comment on the character of America's conservative culture that it bashes its own poor and hungry, while having no problem with corporations and billionaires getting enormous subsidies in the form of bailouts and tax privileges.
Que the mists, as the staff floats in a netherworld, colored b y red and green Christmas lights, as we walk together through a field of GMO Corn, and reach a crowded room, and one of us, brave souls steps up to a podium. The room is filled with Chucks, and Jonis and Joans, And seed corn execs and Tea Party Republicans, and Right Wing Christian Jihadists. There are planes flying above spraying chem trails everywhere, and half of the audience looks like unicorns. Suddenly, our Editor, begins to rant and rave onstage, and this is what pours forth from the mouth of our leader...but it isn't Joan. Joan has been replaced! With this strange, alien creature. HE begins to speak........