Saturday, May 10, 2014

Joan Conrow, SMOKING GUN 2, Using Deceased Native Hawaiians who supported 2491 ,and did the REAL WORK, FAKE EMPATHY to get MONEY FOR HER BLOG

Smoking Gun 2.




Good name for a Peirce Brosnan movie, huh? Apparently Joan doesn't want to sleep with Pierce Brosnan. I am sure that he is relieved.

Also, apparently Joan wants us to believe she is yet again, "sympathetic" to the Native Hawaiian cause, and was right there In the thick of things, and knows them all intimately and personally.

SO, Joan sinking ever deeper into more and more caca and do do, does a HUGE NO NO, by using the real work, of a true Native Hawaiian activist and Beloved Auntie, Auntie Cathy ham young Pfeiffer, who was a strong 2491 supporter, and diligent to the very end about getting that bill passed, as was her son Bobo, who passed not long after she was. In fact, the entire Ohana, were, and still are strong 2491q supporters.

Auntie Cathy had a long standing feud with pierce Brosnans WIFE over water issues, and it was SHE who fought, and did whatever it took, to attempt to get these water issues resolved. NOT JOAN CONROW. Yet, she writes as if she was privy to it all, and in so good with Auntie Cathy. We can tell you, from the bottom of our hearts, that Auntie Cathy would not have a appreciated this mention on Joan's blog, because Joan has been reaming 2491 supporters with the most foulest, hewa, disgusting crap consistently the whole time. 2491 was very important to Aunty Cathy. To have someone like Joan try to benefit from HER struggles with the Brosnans, which had NOTHING whatsoever to do with Joan, who is just writing about SOMEONE ELSE'S WORK AND EFFORTS NOT HER OWN, and then ASKING FOR DONATIONS ON HER BLOG AND GLOATING ABOUT IT AS WELL WITHOUT ANY DOCUMENTATION TO PROVE WHAT THOSE DONATIONS ARE GOING FOR, is extremely HEWA, lacks MANA, and NO NATIVE HAWAIIAN would want to be mentioned by any person such as that, as that is entirely against what most Hawaiians believe. They do NOT associate with people, who act like that. Period.

But then, Joan is a HUGE name dropper. And, of course, a true hypocrite. We all know how she LOVES to rip apart Native Hawaiians, when it suits her, to support her GMO buddies, and then  USE THEM to attract FAKE EMPATHY AND SYMPATHY for her trying to cash in on "the articles I wrote, what I did, how I reported, blah blah its all about me me me me!", ect. I would not be a bit surprised, when the Ohana finds out about this, that they are not feeling exactly grateful, for SAINT JOAN OF SNARK's mention on her blog.

We, here, at Kauai Snarklectic, want everyone to know, if you read this blog that this is considered RUDE AND HEWA, to USE DECEASED PEOPLE TO PROMOTE YOURSELF AND MAKE MONEY WITHOUT THE OHANA PERMISSION. Even if they gave the permission, we believe they DO NOT KNOW what Joan writes on her blog, regarding 2491 supporters. But we will make sure that they do, as we will be contacting them., and inviting them to read what Joan has to say, about an issue that was so near and dear to Aunty Cathy and Bobo's heart. This is probably the most shameful thing she has done, besides use Ka'imi's name on a post, telling how he could sure use some money to get his farming off the ground, writing a fake empathetic blogpost and USING HIS NAME, and then YET AGAIN soliciting donations for her blog. DONATIONS FOR WHAT JOAN? THIS IS A FREE WEBSITE. THE BLOG IS FREE. WHAT ARE YOU USING THE MONEY FOR?

We think it is time for JOAN CONROW to STOP USING NATIVE HAWAIIANS ON HER BLOG> STOP REAMING THEM< DISSING THEM< SUCKING UP TO THEM< AND USING DECEASED OHANA TO DRUM UP SUPPORT FOR YOUR BLOG. Seriously, its time for you to just STFU about Hawaiians. Write about YOURSELF. who YOU are, what YOU do, blah. Fine. But stop using a race, and a culture to further YOUR OWN INTERESTS.

Oh, wait, this isn't the first time that Joan has done this. Picture it, its 2003, and there are tons of tourists on Kauai. Joan, who has TONS of experience raising children on Kauai, writes a family guide to Kauai, a TOURIST GUIDE. That's wright, Joan, wrote a tourist guide. For real, no joke. On sale on Ebay for three and a half bucks. Yap. But in her blog posts, she rips OTHERS THAT CAME HERE for what SHE DID.
Yeap that's right, Kiddies. read it and weep. And she is so empathetic to native Hawaiians. NOT. SHE REAMS THEM WHENEVER SHE CAN DISSES< RAGES< AND PISSES ON THEM.


We are going to expose the HYPOCRISY of Joan Cornrow once and for all, mostly Cu's she tries to use a BELOVED AUNTIE, on her ANTI 2491 BLOG, for her own purposes and then begs donations after it. That's why we are pissed off.

SO, here it is:
She even calls it "Paradise". Yap. Now many times does Joan use this world, when describing TVR owners, Hippies, and so called "transplants", of which Joan is herself one?

Let us remind ourselves of what Joan looks like, shall we?

Joan Conrow
Peirce Brosnan
Felicia Cowden, Longtime Kauai Business owner, has her own radio show, POSSIBLE candidate for public office, *Joan INSISTS that she actually IS a candidate, yet, when Felicia posts to her blog to correct Joan that she is incorrect, she is NOT an official candidate for council as yet, Joan tells Felicia that she is incorrect about her own self! She did the same thing to Fern Rosentiel, when Joan was telling Fern about what FERN is doing and  what Ferns actions were, as if Fern doesn't know her own mind. Joan is ACE for this. About as snarky as you can get, isn't it? Joan shows her jealousy and just plain green envy at what other women have managed to accomplish.
Gary HooserJoan hates Gary Hooser. She has stated her rage and dislike a million times. its no secret. The man supports REAL farmers, and REAL people, has a long history in the state, and has been successful, and thought of helping 2491 supporters, not helping the GMO's like "the Dark Side" Joan has chosen to do. Snarkie Fisties love Joan, while Joan claims that everyone that supports Hooser is a loser, Hooserite Fistie, and laughs and makes fun of them. One of Gary Hooser supporters, was Auntie Cathy, whom Joan  "supports in her blogpostings, and then begs for donations for her blog.
Ross Kagawa. Joan likes HIM because he is a person who was VERY PRO GMO. But then, he waffled, because he KNOWS its hard to go against friends and neighbors, and he didn't want to be manipulated. But aRoss is a nice guy, who doesn't knolw how snark really works. If Ross hadn't recently decided to go after CHOCK, a extremely well liked and accomplished part Native Hawaiian, Joan, who likes Ross and Mel, because in general, they gave the bill 2491 a hard time, but we believe not out of genuine dislike for the idea of it, but because of other issues. The fact remains that Ross is a born and raised Kauai person. A local, that Joan would;d slice and dice, if he ever changed his m ind about the GMo Bill issue. A local that Joan uses to manipulates the minds of people into believing that Good Locals side with GMO's, bad locals side with 2491. That is the psychological trickster that lives in Joan's writing style. We like Ross, by the way, and Mel, and Shaylene, and Mason, and every single local, that Joan, and others use to promote their blogs, writing and opinions, that are calculated to cause divisions and racial tensions between the people of Kauai(in OUR opinion. We are not suggesting this is actually what Joan is consciously doing.). Nothing good can come out of it. TO us, we see Ross, Mel, Mason and everyone else she and others use as nothing but pawns in their game of manipulation using words.
Mel Rapozo Born and Raised, Kauai. We like Mel, but again, the PRO GMO shills, like Joan, who is now, obviously PAID to support the GMO cause, USES Mel, and others, and writes usually in their favort only to further their OWN AGENDAS, and manipulations, to glorify themselves as somehow being "writers, and reporters", that are completely biased and one sided, and pretends to be all brown nosing, solicitous ect. It is merely our OPINION that this kind of baiting is completely counterproductive, and serves no good purpose but to cause disharmony. In her blog post today, she shows something in regards to Mel, while in the post before she praises him. We are unsure what she is suggesting, but we want the readers of her blog to know, that Joan turns on a dime, under the guise of "honestly and integrity".
Justin Collar current County Prosecuting Attorney who won an election over Shaylene Iseri Carvalho, who is part hawaiian, and local born and raised. Justin isn't, but Joan was all praise for him, as she sliced and diced Shaylene, for going after Tim Bynum for Rice Cookergate. HOWEVER, NOW, Joan is making alluding to the facts that Justin now, may be the next on her list, as he is now not doing things as Joan wants them done. Can the ego get any bigger? Joan always says that she goes after people equally! Yes, she is equally cruel to everyone and anyone that doesn't tow HER line. One would think it was Joan that was the ruler of our island. Is she? We aren't quite sure. If she is, we missed the coronation.
MASON CHOCK. This man as a firefighter, who got hurt on the job, a farmer, part Hawaiian, and got appointed to the County Council, in a process many didn't like or agree with, but that was completely on the up and up, as the business of the people had to go on, after another council member left in the middle of the 2491 voting process. The issue was so important, it was believed that the full representation of the people should be fulfilled. When the next highest vote getter was turned down in favor of mason, who was seen as a shoe in to vote yes on 2491, and not Kipukai kualii who is ALSO Hawaiian, it was seen as "corruption". However, Mason did not say whether he would vote yes or no on 2491, and Kipukai Kualii, stated that he would have voted yes. Now, Ross Kagawa is considering taking action against mason Chock. SO lets recap. The entire county council is suing each other. The only two not in a lawsuit with each other, are Joanne Yukimura, and Jay Furfaro, who serve as Chair and vice chair of the council. Can anyone say SOAP OPERA YET? Mason is seen as squeaky clean, hero, and longtime community leader, for his work with children, and leadership Kauai which many local children have benefited from. Mason is certainly not corrupt. But, as everyone seems to be so easily manipulated, media blogs, like Joan's, feud the fires of indignation, and confusion, prompting many residents to fear monger, and insist that county council members take actions which may hurt everyone in the long run. But because the councilmemebrs really are trying to serve, as most are born and raised on Kauai, the entire rhetoric is jsut something they are trying to solve by each doing the right thing. People like Joan tend to "pander" to those, whom they seek to have do "Thieu will", awhile accusing others of doing the same thing.

Mason Chock is seen as someone who can bridge the gap on the council. It concerns us to see other council members seeking to level "charges" against another council member, but we understand the types of outside pressures that some council members are being exposed to, and we also understand that each council member seeks to do what he or she thinks is the best course of action, with any perceived "corruption. However, we see suing each other WHILE SERVING on the council to being extremely counterproductive to doing the bi8sness of the people.  But then, everyone listens to Joan Conrow, right? And she is loving this completely. She rages against the appointment of a good man, and applauds others who are also good men, but in our opinion if Joan wants to manipulate Ethel council for her own benefit, she should run for council herself, rather then trying to instigate things behind the scenes. OUR OPINION. that's it. Just an opinion, on an opinion blog. Just like Joan is just an opinion on an opinion blog. Nothing more sinister then that, kids. So don't have nightmares over it. But lets not all go overboard, shall we?
Mason Chock is a real farmer, a true Hawaiian, and a genuinely nice person.
Shaylene Iseri Carvalho. Born and raised Kauai. Part Hawaiian. Joan went after her harder then anyone else. And now, her barbs are aimed at her successor, while she continues to expose the court case on her blog, and opens up wound after wound after wound after wound. Joan's fine with doing this, as long as the wounds aren't hers. Somehow she ends up smelling like, well, a little like.....something that needs roses to cover it up. Like, maybe.........

NOBODY FREAK! It isn't real, people, it is a Plastic MODEL, ok? Sit down, relax. Sheesh. This is just that steaming pile of chocolaty goodness we are always talking about. LOLTIM BYNUM-Shaylene went after him, then he sued and won. Then Justin went after Shaylene. and won. But everyone is mad at Bynum for winning, and Shaylene for going after Tim. Now poeple may be going after Justin, because Ross wants to go after Chock. And Hooser is either a saint or the devil, Joanne just tries and plays all sides, and Papa Jay Furfaro, has to sit at the dinner table and try to control his unruly Children. And Joan DISSED ALL OF THEM EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. But, at one time, each of them did something that Joan liked. Then she praised them, and then they didn't and then she reamed them. So, now WE ream HER. Isn't life on Kaua'i FuN? 


Mayor Bernard Carvalho asking for a "third" term. We can't figure out why. But then no one else is coming foreword to run this circus. Which outside interests, and bloggers, opportunists and snarkists, have poured in from other places, to cause and wreak havoc on our Island, or Governing bodies, our mostly local, born and raised council, Mayors office, and staff. Since when did people born and raised here sue each other at council meetings, or go after seated councilmembers? NEVER. WHEN have any of us ever behaved in this manner here? NEVER. So what really is going on? IN OUR OPINION, other OPINIONISTS are driving the train into the ditch. WHY you may ask? In our opinion, they want in, and the Locals took the drivers seat a long time ago, and stayed there. They want to discredit, confuse, bamboozle, dazzle, raszzle, and otherwise completely manipulate all of us, so that all of us just give up, take our marbles and let THEM run the show, because the prevailing sentiment from ALL of them is that "All locals are corrupt and corrupt absolutely". That, ladies and gentlemen is OUR OPINION on the matter. we think it is a matter of SNARK. And, finaly we are sick of it. SO, read on, if you have a strong stomach, and lets see what the "manipulators of the printed word" are doing, to manipulate...well, EVERYTHING!

Nadine Nakamura, who left the council, to serve Bernard, that caused Mason to get on the council, and Kipkai Kualii to wait, that caused Ross to go after Chock, that all this during an election, while Shay went after Bynum, and Justin went after Shay, and its the FARMER IN THE DELL KAUAI STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!




Here are some comments from Joan's posters mostly anon of course...cuz who would actually own these comments in real life? We wouldn't!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Musings: Dreck from the Depos, Part III

During a recent meeting, when the County Council was preparing to vote on a settlement of Councilman Tim Bynum's lawsuit against Kauai County, former Prosecutor Shaylene Iseri and planning supervisor Sheilah Miyake, Councilman Ross Kagawa made a startling announcement: He was planning to file an ethics complaint against Councilman Mason Chock.

Ross felt it was a conflict for Mason to vote on the settlement after Tim had voted to appoint Mason to the Council in that dirty, screwy process to secure a vote to override the mayor's veto of Bill 2491. The seed companies are now challenging the appointment process in their lawsuit to invalidate the bill.

But in reading the deposition of deputy prosecutor Gary Nelson, it seems there was another potential conflict in the case. In this excerpt, attorney Dan Hempey is asking Gary about Tim's zoning violation, which was sent to the Office of Prosecuting Attorney for criminal prosecution. Tim was charged with two misdemeanor zoning violations, which were later dismissed.

Q. How was [Councilman] Mel Rapozo involved?

A. When I got the box that had all of the cases, there was a spreadsheet that had been done by Mel Rapozo, and it had just kind of a listing of all of the -- all of the cases. It was just like the names of all of the people, and then their TMK numbers, and then the current status, whether or not they were moving towards compliance or whether it was going to be resolved within the planning department.  It was color coded, and there were some that were coded for prosecution like there was no resolution.  It's time to prosecute. So he had done some sort of summary.

Q. Okay. And do you remember if Bynum's was coded for prosecution?

A. Yes.

Q. Was it?

A. It was.

Q. Okay. And do you understand from an employment or contractual perspective, how Mel Rapozo would have put this -- why Mel Rapozo would have put this spreadsheet together and provided it to you?

A. My understanding was that he was an investigator with the office of the prosecuting attorney at some point. While he was an inspector, he did have the files.

Q. Okay. So before you got there, your understanding he was an investigator for the prosecutor's office?

A. Yeah.

Mel's company, M&P Legal Support Services LLC, was paid $43,026.20 to serve subpoenas for the Office of Prosecuting Attorney between July 2009 and May 2012, according to a review of public records.

In looking back at that post, I also noticed that Council watchers Glenn Mickens and Ken Taylor — both staunch Shay supporters — had filed a Board of Ethics complaint against County Attorney Al Castillo, claiming he'd helped Prosecutor Justin Kollar (his former deputy) to get elected and had tried to derail Gary Nelson's career.

Not that it went anywhere, because it was motivated by revenge.

Sigh. As is the nature of dirty laundry, just when you think you have it all washed, more is tossed in the hamper. But at least we can hang it on the line to air dry. Unless you live in Princeville, where laundry — clean or dirty — must remain hidden safely indoors.


Anonymous said...
What's the conflict? He was screwing both sides.
Anonymous said...
Mel worked for OPA and then voted on the OPA case? After all Shaylene's antics, Mel Had a role in deciding to prosecute Bynam? But Mel was voting on that case also. How's that allowed?
Anonymous said...
Mel is elected by the people. Mason was hand picked by Bynum Hooser and Joanne. Big, Big, Difference People.
Anonymous said...
Pure Kukai… not so cut and dry. Note worthy and similiar antics in plenty more dealings.
best tactic> to showcase the transcripts and let them blemish for themselves. no need scathing embellishments sometimes. Get em Joan…
Anonymous said...
Your statement "it seems there was another potential conflict in the case".

It seems it's just your potential opinion so it seems everything otherwise is okay. Plus Ross is entitled to an opinion, and should act accordingly. Just remember nobody's potential opinion is above the law.
Anonymous said...
In real time Mel had asked for clearance to work for the prosecutor and be on the council, he was cleared , there was no conflict.

Anonymous said...
As the world turns....Ross opening the Pandora Box. All the backroom manoeuvring coming to light. It is what it smelled like all along.
Anonymous said...
Sickening that someone with so much money still needs to profit off of Kauai. Do you really think he actually does let strangers sleep in his bed. YUK Yuk Yuk
Anonymous said...
Why is the Planning Commission given a task it is clearly unqualified for? Do these members even read anything before they show up for the meetings?

So one more wealthy (and James Bond no less) TVR owner out to line his (and others?) pockets, with lots of aloha from our dim planners and commissioners. Ho hum, another day, another dollar in the beautiful garden isle.
Anonymous said...
Money talks! Greed works! Paradise is expensive, but there will always be people who can afford it!
Anonymous said...
Well Joan when you stick to what you know, your still a decent journalist.
Anonymous said...
she's baa.....aaacccckkkkk!!! :)

Manuahi said...
Why demonize the wealthy just because they can afford a property you can't. Look in the mirror. Where are you living? Are you living in a house that used to be available for a local person to rent? Are you an element in the reason why local folks cannot find affordable housing due to the competition for housing in which you are a factor?
Anonymous said...
It is too bad that Kauai had to crack down on TVR's but it is understandable when there are poor living conditions, unsanitary utilities and disruptive mini-communes springing up. Do we not remember that it was on the resorts for shutting these down? Why? So that they could raise their prices and monopolize tourism shelter. THUS making it difficult for locals to find decent places to live. So we're going after the people who DO have nice places that aren't nuisance matters? I wish the TVR regs would somehow separate the places that are suitable to BE TVR's from the places that take advantage of the common worker on the island and border on unsanitary/uninhabitable. A few ruined it for many. Remember TVR's enabled a lot of locals to afford to live there. And Mr Brosnon contributed something like $100K dollars to the elementary school's playground/etc and has always supported the island. He is an "active" resident rather than a once a year visitor. I like your stuff Joan, but this one was a bit one sided with too sharp an edge - in my opinion.
Anonymous said...
Pierce bought the lot as residential and his greed and lies turn it into a resort. Big damage to the land and people,and commercial tours to Wainiha after he stole the water from Auntie Cathy, He shown more disrespect for the kanaka here than anyone. If he was a mench, he would return the water now that 2 generations of the Ham Young family are gone, rather than commercialize a very rural place.
Anonymous said...
Might as well make some money on a property that will be under water in 10 years or next Hurricane.

Its nothing new......just look at all the resort places around the world. The super rich and those that live in poor neighborhoods who clean their houses, mow their lawns, and fix their expensive cars.

And then, lawyers like Lorna who feed off these richies like the sucking parasites that feed on big fish, in partnership with the "what me worry" planning also nothing new.

So...make more babies. More and more of these will be seeking shelter and coming to live and buy houses.....and they will need some people at minimum wage to work their land and clean their houses...and fix their cesspools.

Zero Seven
Anonymous said...
if he is an active resident, why is his home advertised as a resort? F*** his generosity for the playground doesn't buy him a free pass to steal the water, commercialize wainiha and Haena or create a fake TVR to raise his eventual sales value when Mr. Norman sells it for them. The high end tvr's are the worst cause it attracts the elite to the same place local families go to find food to feed their families, and the most sensitive habitat for turtles ...

Anonymous said...
Would you prefer more poor people with too many children move to Kauai ? Do you ever go to the beach in Anahola ? Garbage left by the locals all over the place.
Anonymous said...
We do not more entitled people coming here,gated, exclusive means keep out...
and why do we need to choose between rich and poor, how about kind or mean, loving or an asshole, or what about people just being people rich or poor?
Anonymous said...
Corruption, Corruption, Corruption. I'm not against TVRs but the corruption is so in your face. There's no shame. Many don't think twice. Like Governor Blagoivich, they (planning dept., council, attorneys, etc.) probably think that's the way business gets done. No harm done and extra money in my pocket. After all, I work hard and the county pays me crapola.
Anonymous said...
7:34 We have gates to increase security IF THERE WERE NOT THIEVES.there would be no gates or security necessary. Would you rather live in Detroit or Silicon Valley ?
Anonymous said...
I liked your blog better before you had a enemies and friends list. Suggesting that dining room and yoga studio are secret bedrooms isn't journalism, it's just a nutty theory with no evidence to back it up. The photos certainly don't look like it's where someone paying $2,000 a night would sleep. Do you think guests 7 + 8 sleep on a yoga mat on top of the dining table?

And I don't know a single family on Kauai who doesn't have tables and chairs set up in their garage or carport.

If you can uncover misdeeds regarding getting his TVR permit, you should do it, that is the sort of thing you used to do, but complaining about the size of his dining room table is beneath you.
Joan Conrow said...
I did uncover misdeeds regarding him getting his TVR permit, and I reported that. He provided none of the required documents, and his permit was approved even though it was initially denied because a storage area had been illegally converted into a kitchen. Which is why it's not so far-fetched to think he may again be skirting the zoning laws.

But perhaps you missed it because you were distracted by the pretty pictures?
Anonymous said...
Elite ? or otherwise, their excrement in the runoff water stinks the same.

God help the fishermen and kanaka of these islands with all this fodder encroaching on their pristine food sources.

Anonymous said...
It was a shame he got cast to play James Bond; thatʻs when I knew it was going down the tubes and no longer looked forward the new releases.

Just doesnʻt have the savoir faire and an English accent is not enough to cut it.

So now he is here as just another parasite on the HawaiiansÊ» backs.
Mel Rapozo said...
Joan, I have requested a legal analysis of the proposed charter amendment as I believe it is legally flawed. I will keep you posted.
Joan Conrow said...
Thanks, Mel, for requesting that analysis and for speaking up!
Anonymous said...
We are not all lawyers. "IF it sounds good.....lets do it" is the mantra of many.

I was disappointed to hear that Felicia would not take your phone call. The whole show was a bit like listening to CSPAN....very boring and over the top of my head.

KKCR anti-GMO proponents are convinced that they are in the RIGHT and these foods are not good for eating, nor for the environment. I doubt the station is getting money....since the station is always scraping the barrel for cash.

IF the station was FOR Monsanto, Syngenta, etc. and BP oil.....Boy!...would the bucks roll in!

For the rest of us....its all smoke and mirrors.

If you think this station is opinionated, you should "try listening" to "conservative talk" shows....for Love is a warm gun.

Zero Seven
Anonymous said...
Councilpersons also have a responsibility to propose changes to the law and whats best for the people of Kauai is in the eye of the beholder.

I am also not sure if the interest of democracy is served by having the County Attorney review a proposed change to the charter initiated by citizens. I believe that only the individual knows best what is right for them and what is legal is ultimately determined by a court of law.

People's ideas no matter how wacky is protected by our system or should be protected by our system. Will the charter amendment make it to the ballot? Citizens will determine that. Will it pass? Citizens will determine that. Is it legal? A court will determine that but only if it passes and only if someone sues for judgement.

A vote of the Council with advice from the County Attorney and review by the Mayor exposed us to the liability of 2491.

A petition by citizens will place the amendment on the ballot if enough people sign and a vote by citizens will change the charter if enough votes are cast approving it.

I know how I will vote and I won't sign the petition but I don't think a legal review should affect the effort.

Anonymous said...
"Pau are the days of the 'alamihi way." -Hawaiian proverb.
Anonymous said...
"without requiring proof"

doesn't that go against every tenant of judicial equity that we have long fought for in this country? What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Now this is truly Eco-terrorism.
Anonymous said...
Yes! Now the Anti's are showing their true colors. They really are the
Eco-terrorists no doubt, now they want to control what we suppose to eat!
Anonymous said...
@ 3:42 "Without Requiring Proof"

Agreed. This mindset has sunk to a new level of disturbing.

By the way, just out of curiosity, does KKCR receive federal or state funding as a "public radio station"?

Are they not somehow accountable for all of the slander that they are promoting?
Anonymous said...
What do these provisions mean?

“Entity” shall refer to any natural person . . .

"It shall be unlawful for any entity to violate, or interfere with the exercise of, any right secured by this Charter Amendment."

"Right to Clean and Healthful Air, Water and Land. Each person has the right to breathe clean and healthful air free from air pollution, and drink and use clean and healthful water free from contamination with GMOs and toxins."

Does this mean that we can't do anything that would pollute the air or water? I'm pretty damn sure that the people who are in favor of this charter amendment violate its principles every day. We would all become criminals or stop living in the modern world.
Anonymous said...
As written this amendment would create rights that the government cannot fulfill but will be liable for. Take leptospirosis that is often found in our streams. The Eco-Twits will soon be suing the County for not keeping our steams free of this pest.
Anonymous said...
This is Felicia. I did not refuse to take Joan's call. I asked to put her on hold so he could finish the explanation. He had been speaking on it, almost uninterrupted for more than 10 minutes. It is a complicated document, and I was allowing him the time to clarify it. This is kind of standard for me with any primary source guest. LISTEN first, then ask questions; simple respectful behavior. I had announced that I would be taking calls at the top of the hour. They came in at 35 minutes after the hour. Standard show formatting. Thanks for listening Zero Seven, whether you liked it or not. And yes, the station is always scraping the barrel for cash. No one is on the take with a specific agenda; especially one that is purchased.

I have yet to pull papers to run for office. I announced at the very end of the show that I intend to do so. Just because Joan falsely reported that I had left kkcr last week over a political run, does not make it so. I was in fact, quite surprised to read that in her blog announcement. It was news to me.

Anonymous said...

"Right to Clean and Healthful Air, Water and Land. Each person has the right to breathe clean and healthful air free from air pollution, and drink and use clean and healthful water free from contamination with GMOs and toxins."

Isn't that precious! Are they going to sue Madame Pele for the vog?
Anonymous said...
The educational system teaches to look for what is wrong instead of focusing on and looking for what is right results: progress is hindered.
Joan Conrow said...
Felicia, your response is simply untrue. When I called in he had been speaking uninterrupted -- except when you chimed in to agree with him -- for nearly 30 minutes. I pointed out that if we waited until after the hour for questions, he would have been presenting his opinion unchallenged for more than 40 minutes. That is wrong, especially in the world of radio, where many people listen for short periods. I also pointed out to you that he hadn't been talking about the charter amendment, as he'd spent a good chunk of time talking about GMOs and "poisons on the westside."

I read the charter amendment. I didn't need to listen to his sales pitch. An intelligent, informed question would have improved that monologue, since it was clear from your comments that you were fully on board with his opinion.

As for your last day, I was privy to an email exchange with Hawaii Dairy Farms in which they were told they had to come on the air with less than one's day's notice as April 29 was going to be your last show until the end of the year. Why were they told this if that wasn't your last show? Why did you claim on Facebook they had "cancelled at the last minute", when in truth they hadn't been invited until the last minute?

And if it wasn't your last show, and since they were unable to appear on the 29th with such short notice, why didn't you accommodate them this past Tuesday? Instead, you focused on a topic that you know will be an issue with the voters you intend to court.

You are using our community radio station to campaign and to present biased information, Felicia, and that is wrong.
Anonymous said...
on it goes….try listening to the other shows KKCR..the cavalier conspiracy gents spouting off in step with national AM radio format. Pretty mind numbing nonsense. Thomas's music is epic and always fun. The 11am NPR show is nice while in traffic. Don't like it, don't listen. Can't get your 2 pennies in, maybe next time.
I like Mel's word…go with legality. anything else is just hear say.
Anonymous said...
Felicia's irresponsible babblings have cost this community dearly. she has set people at each other’s throats, instilled irrational fears about things that don’t exist and generally fed and encouraged paranoia, mistrust and bigotry.
Anonymous said...
Joan what question were you going to ask Bob?
Anonymous said...
Mel Rapozo what happened with the State legislature and the additional pesticide inspectors? You said you were going to fight for them but I never heard anything from you or Ross Kagawa since that public hearing for 2491. Did you testify at the legislature?
Anonymous said...
Joan how long did the seed company CEO's speak for before calls were allowed when they were guests at KKCR?
Anonymous said...
Uh oh, just drove my car. Whoops, flushed the toilet. Oh no, turned on my computer. Good thing KPD can't come to arrest me in their air polluting vehicles. Besides, they're too busy arresting people as they get off those air polluting jets at the airport.
Joan Conrow said...
1:30 -- I was going to ask why he'd written an ordinance instead of a charter amendment; why he had included a provision that violated Constitutional due process; and how he thought he could justify the language that allows people to collect legal fees even if they don't prevail.

1:33 -- I have no idea. I don't generally listen to KKCR. I don't think anyone should be allowed to speak unchallenged for 20-60 minutes, nor that people should be put off when they call in with questions. It's always more interesting when there's dialogue, rather than a monologue.
Anonymous said...
So by this crackpot writing a screwed up charter amendment, he takes and wastes everyone's energy and desire for a pesticide free Kauai. If he wrote a real charter amendment without the BS in it, people would not be wasting the energy of the momentum and we get less pesticides, but by writing it convoluted and illegal, guarans it will be challenged should it make it throu the vote. No wonder he wouldn't take your call, can't have real dialogue here, no no just go with the flow of BS




Thank You Prancersize Lady! Taking us on another lovely walk, with Blessed Saint Joan of Snark.



Kauai Snarklectic Publishing Team




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Amene, and have a sparkly Unicorn flying out of any orifice you choose day!

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